Patient Information

Care, compassion, and respect.

Patient Information Melbourne Surgeon

Patient Centre

A/Prof. James Lee aims to provide you with outstanding care and service.

We understand that seeing a specialist for surgical treatment can be a stressful and anxiety-provoking experience. Therefore, here at our practice, we endeavour to provide our patients with a pleasant and positive experience, from the moment we receive your referral to the time of your discharge from our care.

Our care involves a transparent dialogue between the patient and surgeon as A/Prof. James Lee believes that patient education is essential in the journey to great results. We have compiled a range of patient resources including additional information on general and endocrine surgery, in-depth guides on our procedures, and post-operative instructions. 


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Please fill in the online enquiry form to ask a question or book an appointment.

Or call today on (03) 9246 6466

For more information on our procedures and protocols

Get in touch with A/Prof. James Lee and his team. We are always happy to provide more information relevant to your circumstances.

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All surgical procedures carry risks. Before proceeding, you should consult a surgeon with a FRACS qualification. For endocrine procedures, you should consult a member of ANZ Endocrine Surgeons.