優等的治療及 專業的待遇


優等的治療及 專業的待遇

李政彥醫師是一般外科和內分泌外科的專科主治醫師, 以及蒙纳士(MONASH)大學的副教授。

李醫師於2001年從墨爾本大學醫學院畢業, 於2010獲取皇家澳洲外科醫師學會頒發的外科專醫執照。在2014年, 李醫師完成了他針對甲狀腺癌的研究論文, 因此獲取雪梨大學頒發的博士學位。李醫師也因而成為墨爾本唯ㄧ持有博士學位的內分泌外科的專科醫師。 在 2011 和 2012 年度皇家澳洲外科醫師學會會議中, 李醫師所提出的報告榮幸取得內分泌外科的研究論文獎。不僅參與國內和國際的學術會議, 提出報告外, 李醫師也是 50 餘篇外科醫學論文和三本內分泌外科教科書章節的執筆者。 經由他在公立教學醫院的主治醫師以及 MONASH 大學的副教授職位, 李醫師持續委身於外科學術領域的研究與教育他應聘在多家墨爾本公立和私人醫院為一般外科和內分泌外科的專科主治醫師, 包括 ALFRED 醫院, MONASH 醫療中心, CASEY 醫院, KNOX 私人醫院和 EPWORTH 私人醫院看診。


A/Prof. James Lee is a General Surgeon specialising in Endocrine Surgery. 

A/Prof. Lee graduated from the University of Melbourne Medical School in 2001. He then completed training in General Surgery at the Austin Hospital, and qualified as a General Surgeon in 2010. After obtaining the specialist qualification, A/Prof. Lee underwent further training in Endocrine Surgery, both at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne and the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney. A/Prof. Lee is the only Australian surgeon to have held the prestigious T.S. Reeve International Fellowship in Endocrine Surgery at the Royal North Shore Hospital.

In 2014, A/Prof. Lee completed his thesis on thyroid cancer, and was awarded Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by the University of Sydney. A/Prof. Lee was the recipient of the T.S. Reeve Research Prize in 2011 and Best Basic Science Paper in 2012 at the Royal College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress. A/Prof. Lee has over 50 peer-reviewed publications and 3 book chapters to date, and is a regular reviewer for several peer-review journals. A/Prof. Lee is also dedicated to the training of the next generation of surgeons through his involvement with teaching hospitals. These achievements are a testament to his commitment to excellence in surgery through research and education.

A/Prof. Lee is committed to providing his patients with the highest quality surgical care in line with the latest research. He keeps himself abreast with up-to-date information by regular attendance at national and international meetings. He has also been a regular presenter at these meetings. In 2011, A/Prof. Lee attended the Endocrine Surgery University at the Mayo Clinic. This, by invitation only opportunity, allowed him to gain further knowledge under the guidance of world leaders in endocrine surgery. A/Prof. Lee is currently a Visiting Surgeon at The Alfred, Monash Health, Knox Private Hospital, Epworth Richmond, and an adjunct Associate Professor at Monash University.

With his training in both clinical and academic surgery, A/Prof. James Lee provides state-of-the-art surgical services to his patients, in a personal and friendly manner.

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All surgical procedures carry risks. Before proceeding, you should consult a surgeon with a FRACS qualification. For endocrine procedures, you should consult a member of ANZ Endocrine Surgeons.